If you suffer from a toothache as well as swelling and oozing around a tooth, then you may need to come to the office of Todd Tibbs for root canal therapy. Our Salisbury dentist offers this procedure in order to get rid of infection and prevent the tooth from needing extraction. Contact our practice at 704-633-1799 if you want to learn more about getting a root canal in Salisbury, North Carolina.

When is a Root Canal Necessary?

Endodontic treatment, or root canal therapy, becomes necessary when a tooth’s inner tissues (pulp) becomes inflamed or infected. Infection and inflammation can be caused by many different factors, including significant tooth decay, a chip or crack in the tooth, or repeated dental procedures on the tooth. However, with the proper care, a tooth that has received root canal therapy will be able to function normally for many years.

The Root Canal Process

After creating a small opening in the tooth, we use very small dental instruments to clean and shape the root canal. Once cleaned and shaped, the spaces are then filled with biocompatible dental materials and a special cement to ensure that the root canals are completely sealed. The procedure usually takes just one or two visits to our dental practice. If you would like to learn more about your restorative dental treatment options and schedule your appointment with Dr. Todd Tibbs feel free to give our office a call.